Førerhovedkvarter Wolfsschlucht II

Wolfsschlucht II var Adolf Hitlers fremskudte hovedkvarter i Frankrig. Det blev bygget i 1940 til brug, under den kommende invasion af England (Operation Seelowe).

Området var meget stort og bestod blandt andet af en jernbanetunnel til Hitlers personlige tog, 18 luftværnskanoner, 5 bunkers udstyret med 3-skydeskårs panserkuppel, 1 med 6-skydeskår. Her var bunkers til ophold, beboelse, kommunikation o.s.v.

Hitler besøgte kun anlægget i Margival en gang, det var den 17. juni 1944. Her mødtes han med von Rundsted og Erwin Rommel, for at diskuteres den allierede landgang i Normandiet (D-dag) 11 dage før.

Området er i dag tilgængeligt på guidede ture og de fleste bunkers er åbne.

  Does anyone realise that NATO forces were billeted in this location? i was there with the Royal Signals and worked as a keyboard operator in bunker 5. We were known as No! Independent Air Formation Signal Squadron and worked with the RAF on microwave transmissions as well as being the emergency standby HQ in the cold war in case London and Paris were taken out by an atom bomb. But no record of our 15 year existence at Margival sur Neuville has ever been mentioned.

F. Mellett

Officially the bunkers are not open to the public - though they are accessable, except the Fuhrerbunker, which is sealed due to asbestos contamination being released after a fire set by vandals. Visitors should take nothing except photos and damage nothing, then hopefully the site will remain this way unless developed - One of the local communes is organising guided tours - about once a month in summer I think. 

Nick Wotherspoon